Military Combat Tactical

Military Molle II Tactical Rucksack Assault Pack FLC Combat Vest

Military Molle II Tactical Rucksack Assault Pack FLC Combat Vest
Military Molle II Tactical Rucksack Assault Pack FLC Combat Vest
Military Molle II Tactical Rucksack Assault Pack FLC Combat Vest
Military Molle II Tactical Rucksack Assault Pack FLC Combat Vest
Military Molle II Tactical Rucksack Assault Pack FLC Combat Vest
Military Molle II Tactical Rucksack Assault Pack FLC Combat Vest
Military Molle II Tactical Rucksack Assault Pack FLC Combat Vest
Military Molle II Tactical Rucksack Assault Pack FLC Combat Vest
Military Molle II Tactical Rucksack Assault Pack FLC Combat Vest

Military Molle II Tactical Rucksack Assault Pack FLC Combat Vest   Military Molle II Tactical Rucksack Assault Pack FLC Combat Vest
MT Military MOLLE Rifleman Full Set includes, Fighting Load Carrier(FLC) Combat Vest x1, Hydration Carrier x1, Hydration Bladder system x1, Hand Gre Pouch x2, M-4 Two Mag Pouch x3, 30 RND Tri-Mag Pocket x2, Molle II Band Pouch x1, 1 QT Canteen/Utility Pocket x2, Flash Bang Gre Pouch x2, Entrenching Tool Carrier x1. MT MOLLE Rifleman Combat Set is designed based on the Prototype of U.

S Army Modular Lightweight Load Carrying Equipment System's Tactical Series Parts. It continue using the same design and materials of MOLLE II gears, such as strong fabric 1000D Oxford, YKK Zippers, UTX Duraflex Buckles System. MT MOLLE Fighting Load Carrier (FLC) Tactical Vest is a Modular Vest that allows Military Users to tailor the load to meet mission needs without unnecessary pouches and gear. The FLC is designed to reduce heat buildup on the back with a minimum area of coverage of the Harness design.

The wide, 31/2-inch shoulder straps of the FLC help distribute the load without the need for excessive padding that can hinder mobility. MT MOLLE Rifleman Hydration System. Each rifleman set comes with one Hydration Carrier and Bladder system, which consist of a carrier, a bladder, and a tube with shut-off valve and bite valve. The Hydration Carrier and bladder adapt the ILBE Pack System's version, which has the webbing PALS design on the pack and large open for bladder. It is easily cleaned and provide the users with 100 ounces of drinking water.

T MOLLE Rifleman Set Pouches. The Rifleman Set comes standard with two general purpose canteen pouches, two hand Gre pouches, three M4 two-mag pouches, and two M4 three-mag pouches. The M4 three-mag pouches have additional webbing on the outside to allow for pouch stacking.

Ammu Pouches Band carries six mags. The Entrenching Tool Carrier is designed to fit on the Assault Pack or Large Field Pack.

Explanation of US MOLLE II Rifleman Set. The Rifleman Set is the basic issue set of MOLLE II gear. The Rifleman Set with Fighting Load Carrier (FLC) consists of FLC, general canteen pouch, hand grenade pouch, M4 two-magazine pouch, M4 Three-magazine pouch, an 3 day pack, a waist pack, an entrenching tool carrier, bandoleer ammunition pouches, a flash bang grenade pouch, and a hydration system. The Rifleman Set is made from water- repellent multicam and OCP camouflage color fabrics and composites that are military-specified. The rifleman set comes standard with two general purpose/canteen pouches, two hand grenade pouches, three M4 two-magazine pouches, and two M4 three-magazine pouches. The M4 three-magazine pouches have additional webbing on the outside to allow for pouch stacking. MOLLE Rifleman Fighting Load Carrier Combat Vest MOLLE Webbing PALS Design Combat Vest meets the largest necessary requirement of military users' modular pouches attachment. The Mesh Body Part makes wearing breathable and lightweight. 31/2-inch of the FLC help distribute the load without the need for excessive padding that can hinder mobility and sighting a weapon. Take the Fighting Load off. The MOLLE II pockets can be placed directly for certain missions; however, when the pockets are placed directly on user's suits, it limits the ability to take the fighting load off without exposing oneself to a few threats. The Entrenching Tool Carrier is designed to fit on the 3 day Pack or Large Field Pack as well as on FLC.
Military Molle II Tactical Rucksack Assault Pack FLC Combat Vest   Military Molle II Tactical Rucksack Assault Pack FLC Combat Vest